Attics is a dance with text, made in collaboration with Doug LeCours. Inspired by VC Andrews’ seminal Young Adult novel Flowers in the Attic, this performance explores the figure of the queer recluse. The recluse is a figure marked by the idea of failure; they’re traditionally read as having withdrawn from the world because they’re unable to deal with its complexities.

Attics asks how the confined world of the recluse can provide a blank template upon which personal utopia can be built. What are the drivers of the queer impulse to separate from the wider world? How can this separation be a powerful act of refusal of discourses that seek to circumscribe queer potential?


Attics (Winter Version): January 2020, Movement Research at the Judson Church, New York, NY.

Attics (Autumn Version): October 2019, The Poetry Project, New York, NY.

Attics (Summer Version): May 2019, HAIRandNAILS, 9 Herkimer Pl., Brooklyn, NY.